How much does a Dogman course cost

By John o'Connor,

Having a career in the dogging field is very promising. Dogmen are able to work in so many different work sites all over Australia. To start your career in the dogging field in Brisbane, you need to make sure you fulfill all the relevant requirements to be an official dogman. Such requirements are not difficult to fulfill. All you need to do is sign up for a Dogman Training and then, apply to obtain your work dogman ticket Brisbane. Such a licence will enable you to officially work in the dogging field in Brisbane. So, how much does a Dogman course cost? This is all you need to know about the Dogman course and its cost

Dogman Training Brisbane Course

The first step you should take to start a career in dogging in Brisbane is to sign up for a Dogman Training Brisbane course. This course is your gateway to obtaining your dogman work licence and consequently, to promising career opportunities. Any Dogman Training Brisbane Course will equip you with all the necessary skills and the adequate knowledge of the dogging field so that you would be able to successfully handle and perform all the dogging tasks. 

What does a Dogman Brisbane Course teach you?

A Dogman Training Brisbane course will teach you how to perform load weight estimation and to perform the selection and the inspection of the lifting gears. Furthermore, through the Dogman Training Brisbane Course, you would be able to sling loads and guide crane operators towards the motion of the load when the load is out of the crane operators’  sight. 

Current dogmen can also sign up for the course 

An important fact to take note of is that people who are already dogmen and are already working in the dogging field are also eligible to enroll in the Dogman Training Brisbane course. This would serve as a refresh for all the information they have once learned and a further professional training to add more to their experience. 

How much does a Dogman course cost?

A Dogman course averagely costs around $1250-$1500. However, you need to be aware that the cost of a Dogman course can vary due to several reasons:

Package offers 

Some training institutions offer package offers. Such package offers include having a bundle of 2 courses or more that include, but not limited to, the Dogman course. The overall cost of the package offers would be very much cheaper than the independent Dogman course.

Assessment retake fees

Another reason why the cost of a Dogman course can vary from one training institution to another is that in case you need to retake some assessments, you would be charged for it. Such charges may differ from one training institution to another. In addition, such charges may also differ depending on which assessment you would be resitting for. For instance, resitting for a theoretical assessment might have a different cost from resitting for practical and theoretical assessments altogether. 


The cost of a Dogman course can differ from one location to another. In other words, the cost of the course may differ depending on the city and the state you are located at.

What qualifications do you need to be a dogman

By John o'Connor,

Are you planning to start a career in dogging in Brisbane? Being a dogman is a tough, yet rewarding career. Before becoming a dogman, you need to have several preparations beforehand. To become a dogman, you need to make sure you have all what it takes to be a dogman. This includes having the adequate work skills and having the sufficient background in the dogging field. So, what qualifications do you need to be a dogman? It’s all about signing up for a dogman ticket Brisbane course and obtaining a work licence to be able to officially work in the dogging field. 

Dogman Training Brisbane Course 

To take a forward step towards starting a career in the dogging field, you need to, first, sign up for a Dogman Training Brisbane Course. In order to make sure you have a professional training in dogging and acquire the necessary skills for the dogging work tasks, you need to enroll in a Dogman Training Brisbane Course. 

What does a Dogman Training Brisbane Course teach you?

A Dogman Training Brisbane Course will make sure you are capable of performing load weight estimation and will enable you to perform the selection and the inspection of the lifting gears. In addition, the Dogman Training Brisbane Course will teach you how to sling loads and how to guide a crane operator towards the motion of the load when the load is out of the operator’s sight. 

The Dogman Training Brisbane course is not only for starters

You do need to be a starter who is just starting their career in dogging to sign up for any Dogman Training Brisbane Course. Any Dogman Training Brisbane Course can be enrolled in by even people who are already working in the dogging field. It is great to have a re-training and a revision of all the tasks of your work field. 

The Dogman Licence Brisbane

Following your completion of the Dogman Training Brisbane course, you need to do one last step to officially become a dogman and to able to work in the dogging field. You need to obtain the Dogman Licence Brisbane. It is a work licence that serves as a professional qualification. The Dogman Licence Brisbane indicates that you are eligible for working as a dogman and for handling the dogging work tasks. Obtaining such a licence will be your gateway to many job opportunities and a prosperous dogging career.

Can you work as a dogman without having a valid Dogman Licence Brisbane?

Well, yes! You can still work as a dogman even if you do not hold a qualifying Dogman Licence Brisbane. However, not holding a valid licence means it might not be permissible for you to perform all the dogging tasks. In other words, a dogman who does not hold a qualifying licence might be under supervision by a supervisor and who would perform certain tasks for the dogman that the dogman would not be allowed to perform. Such tasks include determining the weight load beforehand and the determination of the lifting gear condition beforehand.

How much does a Dogman earn

By John o'Connor,

Are you considering a dogging career in Brisbane? Becoming a dogman in Brisbane is not hard to fulfill. However, it needs some preparations beforehand. This is in order to make sure you are entirely eligible to start a career in dogging. Such preparations include having sufficient knowledge of the dogging field, having the right qualifying dogman ticket Brisbane and having a valid working licence. You also need to have a rough idea about how much a dogman earns. Having an adequate background on the dogging field and having prior preparations will be your gateway to numerous career opportunities in dogging. 

What is dogging?

First and foremost, what is dogging? Dogging is basically a field of work in which a dogman can perform slinging procedures in order to have the loads move. The dogging tasks that a dogman is expected to perform also include the guidance of the crane operator towards the load motion. This is usually necessary when the load is out of the crane operator’s sight. The usage of cranes might also be one of the dogging tasks that a dogman might have to perform. Such tasks need vigorous professional skills and sufficient knowledge. 

How much does a dogman earn?

One important matter that you need to have a background on prior to starting a career in the dogging field is how much a dogman earns. How much does a dogman averagely earn in Australia? Averagely, a dogman in Australia gets paid about $32 per hour. However, you need to be aware that this hourly rate can also vary. There are several factors which can contribute to differences in the overall hourly rate of your profession in Australia. These factors include:

Your educational background 

One of the main factors that the estimation of your salary is based on is your educational background. Having a previous educational background in your relative field, and especially through a well-known educational organisation, would definitely contribute to earning a higher salary. 

The duration of your experience

How long you have been working or having an experience within your relative field also contributes to your overall salary. The more the duration of your working experience, the higher your salary would be. 

Your age

One contributable factor to estimating your salary is your age. The older you are, the more experience you are expected to be having, and accordingly, the higher the position you are expected to be eligible for. 

Your work location in Australia 

The location of your work is also one factor that an overall salary may depend on. Some locations in Australia offer higher salaries than others and the vice versa. For instance, in 2018, Tasmania and South Australia were the two lowest paying locations in Australia in terms of the overall weekly paying wage. Hence, it is important to also take note of the fact that your salary may differ depending on your work location. 

The institution your wok for 

Your salary can also differ from one work institution to another. This is because it depends on how big the institution is.

What to look for while searching for a Dogman Training

By John o'Connor,

If you are in the construction industry as Dogman, you may well be looking for somewhere to carry out some dogging construction training for you as an individual dogger or for your employees who are looking to get their Dogman Ticket Brisbane. This Dogman construction course is vital to the health and safety aspects of your business. it also ensures that you and other staff members are working safely. Thus, preventing accidents and also improving efficiency in dogging activities.

There is a wide range of dogging construction course providers to choose from. So, how do you make sure that you have got the one who will be able to really deliver the best dogman training courses, at the right price and in the right locations? Moreover, those who will be able to award you or your employees with a dogger ticket.

You need to look out for a few main areas and points when choosing between Dogman training companies you have highlighted as potentials.

First of all,

Make sure you enquire and ask about the Dogger training companies’ experience in the construction industry. Dogman Trainers will be able to identify much better with the students they are teaching on the dogger training course if they have the first-hand experience of a construction site. As they have been there, done it, and probably have several worn t-shirts! They understand the ropes and know how the work is typically carried out on a construction site, and this knowledge means that they have many hints and suggestions to improve the overall dogger situation. Tips like the current necessity of a dogger ticket nowadays.


Make sure you enquire about the dogman training facilities – where you will be carrying out your dogger training. A high-quality dogger training provider will have an appropriate, purpose-built training venue. As your dogman training courses may well include health and safety work at height. The best training providers will have indoor facilities which are large enough to make sure that the dogging course still goes on even if the weather is a little rough outside.


It is also worth enquiring about how they structure and design their dogman training courses. Especially training organizations with a great deal of experience in the construction industry will build bespoke courses for clients. For instance, they may well be able to tie in together several crucial elements so that you can cover a good amount of ground in one day, rather than having to return on different days. If you have a large group of doggers taking part in the course this is something that the majority of high-quality training course providers should provide.


You should make sure that the dogman training organization that you are opting for is an RTO. Only a registered training organization would have the means and the quality to provide you with a dogging course that would qualify you or your employees to take the test for the dogging ticket. The Dogman licence is more important now than ever due to the frequent accidents in the field of construction. Therefore, most site chiefs nowadays only hire licenced operators as it serves as proof of competency.

Dogman training courses are vital in the industry, with the issue of health and safety continuing to rise it really is imperative that you have a good dogging training structure in place so that all of your workers are perfectly educated on their knowledge concerning health and safety requirements.

Dogman Ticket Brisbane

By John o'Connor,

Are you aspiring to be a professional dogman in Brisbane? The first step that would definitely be your gateway to all the dogging career opportunities is obtaining a Dogman Licence. But where to start? And how to successfully obtain the Dogman Licence? All what you need to do is sign up for a Dogman Ticket Brisbane! Any Dogman Ticket Brisbane would provide you with the necessary background that you need to know before starting a career in the dogging field. Among the dozens of training centres available in Brisbane, Shamrock Training is definitely the right choice! Shamrock Training delivers you the Dogman Ticket Brisbane that covers all the skills that you need to obtain in order to perfectly ace your future dogging career. 

About Shamrock Training 

Shamrock Training is one of the leading training institutions located in Brisbane. The Shamrock Training institution specialises in high risk licensing and RII units of competency. The main training centre of Shamrock Training is located in North Brisbane. The courses available at Shamrock Training are a high quality of courses that would provide you with a professional training in high risk work. These courses are flexible and are compliant to the industry’s current standards.

Why Shamrock Training is the best choice for a Dogman Ticket Brisbane

Shamrock Training provides you with professional and highly skillful trainers for the Dogman Ticket Brisbane. A part of the Dogman Ticket Brisbane that Shamrock Training provides is a theory part delivered in classrooms. This part consists of live videos and demonstrations that would better enhance your learning experience. As for the practical part of the Dogman Ticket Brisbane, Shamrock Training successfully complies with the requirements of the logbook. Furthermore, the Dogman Ticket Brisbane provides you with a variety of assessments. These include written and practical assessments. More importantly, the certificate you will obtain by the end of the Dogging Course Brisbane at Shamrock Training is recognised on a national level.

Before signing up for the Dogman Ticket Brisbane, what is dogging? 

To give you a clearer picture, dogging is simply the profession of applying slinging procedures so that a load can move. These slinging procedures also include selecting and inspecting the lifting gear. Another part of the dogging work tasks is to be able to direct a crane operator towards the load movement when the load is out of the crane operator’s sight. In addition, the dogging tasks involve the usage of cranes. 

Dogman Ticket Brisbane

Shamrock Training’s Dogman Ticket Brisbane is a training course that is accredited on a national level. In addition, the Dogman Ticket Brisbane that Shamrock Training provides meets the national standards of Safe Work Australia for licensing people who work high risk work. This Dogging Course Brisbane is also compliant to the criteria that the state and territory licensing declare and complies with the requirements of the unit of competency.

Aim of Shamrock Training’s Dogman Ticket Brisbane

The Dogman Ticket Brisbane that Sharmock Training aims at equipping you with the relevant background and the adequate practical training. This is in order to enable you to successfully perform the dogging tasks over all the different workplaces in Australia. Through the Dogman Ticket Brisbane that Shamrock Training would provide you with, you will receive training on estimating the weights of the load. In addition, you will receive training on the selection of lifting gear, the inspection of lifting gear and directing the crane operators with the load movement. 

Trainers of the Shamrock Training’s Dogman Ticket Brisbane

The trainers that cover the training of the Dogman Ticket Brisbane have a wide knowledge and a broad experience. Shamrock Training’s trainers deliver the courses in Shamrock Training’s main centre in North Brisbane. However, they also have the flexibility of traveling anywhere in Queensland to deliver the courses and training. There are several teaching methods that the trainers of the Dogman Ticket Brisbane at Shamrock Training provide. This includes written and practical teachings. Furthermore, Shamrock Training’s trainers emphasize on making sure you acquire sufficient confidence in your capabilities. This is to make sure you have great employment opportunities in the relevant industries. 

Content of the Dogman Training Brisbane

The Dogman Ticket Brisbane course that Shamrock Training delivers is full of a diversity of content. The content of the Dogman Training Brisbane of Shamrock Training includes:

  • Getting to know the legislation of WHS, the Australian standards nd the policies and procedures of sites. 
  • Identifying hazards and control measures
  • Knowing how to prepare a load for safe transportation 
  • Learning about the different lifting gear types
  • Having an insight into the safe slinging procedures
  • Learning about the inspection of the lifting gears
  • Knowing the isolation processes 
  • Getting to know the housekeeping duties
  • Knowing how to document the dogging tasks 
  • Learning how to communicate on the worksites 
  • Know how to conduct safe working load calculations

These are not everything what the Dogger Course Brisbane covers, as it is much richer in broader skilful contents. 

The skills you will gain through the Dogging Course Brisbane

After successfully completing the Dogging Course Brisbane at Sharock Training, you will gain a wide range of skills. These include:

  • The ability to identify any possible hazards related to the dogging tasks including the hazards related to powerlines, climate conditions and the stability of the ground.
  • Being able to carry out the required measures of risk control through the usage of the control’s hierarchy to prevent the recurrence of possible hazards.
  • Having the capability of conducting inspections on the lifting equipment and isolating it if it has any defects.
  • Having an understanding about the capabilities and limitations of the lifting equipment types including ropes, slings, clamps and beams.
  • Knowing about the usage of fibre and synthetic rope for securing a load through the application of certain procedures
  • Having a background on the different cranes and that they are used for. This includes the tower cranes, vehicle loading cranes and slewing mobile cranes.
  • Knowing about the usage of mathematical calculations for the estimation of safe working loads. 
  • Being able to adhere to the legislations of health and safety, practices of safework and policies and procedures of the site
  • Knowing how to maintain a productive communication with the crane operators. This is through the usage of various means of communication like hand signals, whistles and two-way radios.
  • Being able to perform routine checks to make sure that the communication equipment is functioning well.
  • Knowing how to maintain a productive communication with the personnel on the worksites including the supervisors, co-workers and machine operators.

By the end of the Dogman Training Brisbane

After successfully completing the Dogman Training Brisbane at Shamrock Training, you will be given a Statement of Attainment that is recognised on a national level. Hence, you will be eligible for applying for the HRWL License via Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.


You will obtain the Statement of Attainment for the competency unit that you have completed at Shamrock Training.

Logistics of the Dogman Ticket Brisbane at Shamrock Training

What makes Shamrock Training the right choice for obtaining the Dogman Ticket Brisbane is its flexibility. The duration of the Dogging Course Brisbane at Sharock Training is 5 days. Shamrock Training delivers the Dogman Ticket Brisbane in-person and at either Shamrock Training’s main centre or the client’s preferred location. 

Mode of Delivery of the Dogman Ticket Brisbane

Shamrock Training uses different techniques to deliver the Dogman Ticket Brisbane. These include teaching theory in classrooms, providing training on the worksites and providing training of practical knowledge through the usage of scenarios. 

Location of the Dogging Course Brisbane

The best thing about Shamrock Training is its flexibility in delivering its courses. Shamrock Training’s main delivery location of the Dogman Ticket Brisbane is at its main centre in North Brisbane. However, Shamrock Training can also deliver the Dogman Training Brisbane anywhere based on the client’s request. 

Entry Requirements

Good news is that there are no entry requirements to enrol in the Dogman Ticket Brisbane.

Prerequisites of the Dogging Course Brisbane

As aforementioned, there are no entry requirements for the Dogman Ticket Brisbane. However, there are certain prerequisites for it. These prerequisites for the Dogman Ticket Brisbane include being able to know how to write and read basic English according to the Workplace Health and Safety Requirement and having the physical capability of working outdoors while remaining on foot for about 6 hours. You also have to be at least 18 years of age as per the Workplace Health and Safety Requirement, and you need to present to us three identification methods that include your photo ID. In addition, you have to wear safety boots or that are steel capped, sun protection hat and pants and shirts of long sleeves on site. 

PPE requirements

For the Dogman Ticket Brisbane, there are certain PPE requirements. These include wearing a Hi-Vis shirt, long pants, enclosed shoes, a hardhat and gloves, Shamrock Training will provide you with all the other PPEs. 

Payment of the Dogging Course Brisbane

There are several various payment methods that Shamrock Training accepts for this Dogman Ticket Brisbane. You can pay through either debit card, credit card or even through making deposits directly. You also have the option of coordinating payment plans with Certegy Ezi-pay; however, you have to have a pre-approval before the start of the course. You have to complete all payments before the start of the course.


To know further information about Shamrock Training’s refund policies for the Dogman Ticket Brisbane, you can go through the student handbook.


Contact us for information about the Dogman training course and ticket